Shadows of the Damned Wiki

Elliot Thomas is a boss and deutragonist, one of Fleming's leiutenants who dwells within theCity of the Damned.

During his life (The Legend of Stinky Crow)

When he was alive, Elliot was a socially awkward kid who had an unsuual obsession with flying, and would spend as long as he could in his treehouse building a wingsuit that would allow him to fly with the birds.

His strange flying fixation and status as a misfit made Elliot a regular target for bullies, and he was viciously mocked by many other students who branded him with the nickname "Stinky Crow". As a result, Elliot's anger built up inside him and caused him to act out violently, screaming "FUCK YOU!" at everyone and even taking a bully's eye out with a paper airplane.

Eventually, Elliot finished his wingsuit and turned up to school in it, ignoring the derision of the other students. He ran to the top of the school and jumped off the roof, expecting to fly. Naturally this did not work, but for two seconds "the most beautiful of Elliot's life" he thought he was flying even though he was actually plummeting to the ground.

Elliot was killed in the fall, with bits of him splattered over the student body. Elliot died with one hand forming a peace sign, and the other giving his teacher the finger.


After his death, Elliot was sent to Hell, apparently for the sin of suicide as well as the sin of anger due to his hatred of the bullies who tormented him. Fleming, however, seemed to take pity on Elliot or, like Garcia, admired Elliot's "cajones", and made Elliot one of his lieutenants, VIPs who got special treatment in the underworld.

Like the other Lieutenants, George Reed andJustine Palmer , Elliot gets what he always dreamed of: in this case the ability to fly. However, like the others, Elliot is warped and defined by the sins that caused his death. He becomes a lean, bird-like version of his former self, still dressed in the remains of his wingsuit, and has to replace the flesh and organs damaged in the fall by harvesting them from normal damned souls and wearing them.
