Shadows of the Damned Wiki

Meganhassler Meganhassler 1 July 2011

Garcia's Weapon Cause for Comedy

We know Garcia is going to the City of the Damned and into the depths of Hell to save his girlfriend Paula from the Lord of Hell, Fleming. But he is planning on doing this armed only with his ... Johnson. Now we all know what comes to mind first ,and yes the penis joke is intended.

Johnson is actually a character as well as the weapon Garcia uses throughout the game. Johnson is a former demon who can transform into many things including a torch, pistol (called the boner), machine gun or shotgun.

Shadows of the Damned is full of adolescent jokes that leave no doubt in the player's mind what the maker's are playing at.

One of the upgrades to to the boner or the handgun is to the hot boner, which allows you to break cracked objects by blowing th…

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Meganhassler Meganhassler 1 July 2011

The Big Names of Shadows

What do No More Heroes, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill have in common? These games all had people involved who have recently helped to create Shadows of the Damned. Suda51, Shinji Mikami, and Akira Yamaoka are 3 of Japan's development geniuses whose talents as executive directors, creative producers and developing music have created the City of the Damned that the protagonist, Garcia Hotspur, must face.

There are similarities between Shadows of the Damned and the previous work of its creators. With an awesome soundtrack from the music creator of Silent Hill, it is hard to ignore the the diversity incorporated with Spanish guitar, hip-hop beats and organ music. The game is complete with the humor Suda51 is known for in games like No More Her…

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